Our tech team gathered this week to put together and discuss the latest happenings in front-end, back-end, and DevOps web technologies. This week, we shared about a Comprehensive Rust Development Course, Flutter Riverpod 2.0, Laravel Orion, React Wrap Balancer, Master CSS and UIVERSE.

Comprehensive Rust Development Course


Rust is fast becoming one of the most popular programming languages, and 2023 will see even more apps, dapps, and tools being written and rewritten in Rust. This repository has the source code for Comprehensive Rust a four-day Rust course developed by the Android team. The course covers all aspects of Rust, from basic syntax to generics and error handling. It also includes Android-specific content on the last day.

Shared by Samuel
Digital Director

Flutter Riverpod 2.0

Flutter Riverpod 2.0

The best state management for Flutter has received an upgrade.

With the new update, a lot less code is needed to do the same thing as before. We use Riverpod for state management and as a bridge between UI and functionality. Some of the great benefits of this library are integration with Flutter Hooks, reducing a lot of template code needed for basic functionality, and providing an architecture for scalability and maintainability.

Shared by Ryan
Flutter Developer

React Wrap Balancer


The simple react component, react warp balancer, makes titles more readable by avoiding a single hanging word on the last line.

It is worth mentioning that this project is a workaround for the lack of native support for balanced text wrapping in CSS. It may not be fully perfect as it adds some performance overhead.

Shared by Wu
Lead Front-end Developer

Laravel Orion


Using this library, one can quickly build some basic restful APIs. If developers can combine this package with spatie/laravel-query-builder, it should help quickly build a set of flexible APIs where one only needs to define other logics such as relationships, policies, observers, etc.

Shared by Jianong
Laravel Developer

Master CSS

Master CSS

A syntax that allows designers to efficiently build UI and other design elements by only using HTML. It is super interesting as it can be described as: having the tailwind minus the issues that the tailwind may bring in. Also, the FAQ section at the end of the page clearly demonstrated why it's a good choice.

Shared by Rafael
Technical Director

UIVERSE: Universe of UI

UIVERSE: Universe of UI

UIVERSE is an open place to publish UI components, similar to code pen but focused on UI elements. A 100% free open source, developers can create, share, and use custom elements made with HTML and CSS.

Shared by Rafael
Technical Director

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